Moana Birthday Party

Ever since Quinn discovered Moana, he has asked to watch or listen to it at least once a day, in fact I think it is my “Most Played” playlist on Spotify! Lately he really got into Thomas the Tank Engine, but I felt that Moana almost defined our Quarantine because hey - we need a break and this movie is a good one, haha. I enlisted the help of my two most creative friends, our Nanny and my Mother to help - and the party turned out great!

Since we are nowhere near out of the wood with COVID-19, we only had immediate family in attendance, and did the whole party outside, so there were about 15 of us. We bought a heater (by the way did you know there is a heater shortage?! Makes sense since we all feel safer being outside… but man that was crazy), and borrowed one from a neighbor, and had a Luau in 40 degree weather! What a time.

I purchased a lot of the supplies from Oriental Trading, and then Angel (our Nanny) did all the personalized stuff - how talented is she?! We got the cake from my favorite bakery - Sweet Mandy B’s, and then my mom made the cookies which were so good - I keep telling her to go into the bakery business professionally!

In order to keep things as sanitary as possible, I packaged all of the food in these little plastic cups, so no one shared utensils. Overall, it was a fantastic party and I know that we will look back on it for years! Let me know if you have any questions on anything we did!