That’s all I can say, I think I have to stop right there.


that would be a pretty boring blog post, huh? But I can barely even comprehend that we have a one year old. We are parents, and have been for a year. It’s nuts. Quinn still only has 2 little baby teeth on the bottom, and he is walking more and more each day - a few steps here and there, and as soon as you react to it, he stops straight! He can drink from a straw, say dada and mama and bye bye, and is STILL the happiest baby out there. He claps when he’s happy, sometimes after I read a book and after we sing, and he wants to do whatever he sees Mom and Dad doing. He also still loves phoebe, but she is not the biggest fan. He laughs any time he sees a dog or animal walk by, and loves seeing other kids too! We are blessed beyond belief and I have so many great pictures to share from our 1 year shoot, thanks to our photographer, Rebecca Major!