Sheltered In Place

Today is Day 42 of Sheltering In Place/Quarantine for us…

So although its starting to feel normal, we all know its not always fun. Working from home has been a big lesson in adaptation, and Quinn gets bored pretty easily so we are trying to get very creative in keeping him busy. We’re so lucky that our amazing Nanny is still coming so that we can work, and she is great at finding activities for him, taking him to the park, and just helping him learn!

If you keep up with me on social media you know a few big things that have happened, the biggest being that we’ve announced our pregnancy! I am due with a GIRL in September, which would make our kids 23 months apart, and we are just so excited. To be blessed with another child is amazing enough, but we are so excited that we will have a boy and a girl, an how close in age they will be. I’m sure Quinn will be an amazing big brother, but we are sure that baby girl will need to be tough - he is a whirlwind right now and it seems like at least one of us has a new bruise every day thanks to his wild man ways lol.

Ive had a lot of fun planning out Quinn’s new room and buying some new things - we rolled out the rug and showed him his new crib yesterday, and he keeps running into that room when we’re upstairs, so we are confident he is going to love it! We’re thinking of moving him in there a month or so before the baby comes so that it feels independent from the new baby, but if anyone has advice on this please let me know!

The other thing that happened during this time was that I herniated a disc in my spine. It happened on Easter (2 weeks ago today) and today is the first time I have been able to go on a walk since! Since I’m pregnant, the treatment had to be a little different - I was put on a course of steroids and a lot of painkillers. The steroids helped my back after a few days, but the hernia was pressed so hard on my nerve, that I started to experience the worst pain ever in my right leg. We eventually caved and went to the hospital (had tried to avoid it for as long as possible with whats going on) - and I got an MRI. It basically feels like an insane charlie horse, all the way down my right leg, constantly. So last Monday I was given a steroid injection right into my spine, and by Thursday I was FINALLY able to get up, go downstairs and make my own meals. That was a big win for me - Jared had been making all of my meals and I was eating everything in bed. So many crumbs hah! Today I actually went on a short walk around the block with Jared and Quinn, which felt so good. I still cant really bend over, and I definitely cant lift anything heavy (like Quinn). My doctors at Northwestern who are all amazing, hope that I will feel even more effects from the shot over the next couple days - so we’ll see.

We’ve saved money by staying in, missing out on 1 wedding trip and a family vacation already, our baby moon and another family vacation - can’t believe how much time has gone by already. I also always find its easy to stop my shopping habit when I’m pregnant because I know things wont fit, but I have bought a couple things to make this period more comfortable. Sharing below - click the picture to shop :)

Since I have had a LOT of time in quarantine, and a LOT of time in bed with my back, I have been reading a ton! For anyone looking for book recommendations, here are some of the books I’ve read that I would recommend!

  • The Wives - such a page turner! Crazy story.

  • Firefly Lane - great story about 2 best friends and their lifelong journey - very long but my whole book club liked it as well.

  • Nothing to See Here - funny and different, try this as a quick break from your normal!

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy, and remembering that we are in this together! Share your comments on how to transition Quinn to his new room, any books you recommend and if you’ve had any big updates over this period.