The Year of Skin Care

I have declared this… the year of skin care!

Not sure if I mean 2019, or 2020, or my 31st year or my 32nd year, but whatever - I am sups focused on my skin and if you are too, read on my friend!


I should start this post by saying that I am in NO way claiming to be a skincare expert and I haven’t done anything remotely close to scientific research on any of these treatments or products, I am simply writing about what I use and love!

So lets start with treatments and processes…

  • Once a quarter: Hydra Facial at NSPS, the MedSpa @ Northwestern, with Ana - she is the queen!

  • Once a week (different days - not all at once!)

    • Dermaplaning with my Dermaflash: this feels AMAZING and then your skin is soooo smooth - plus it makes your other treatments work better because you are working on the freshest layer of skin! Also makes makeup look great. Every time I do it I cant help but feeling how smooth my skin is! Its the best.

    • Overnight Glycolic at home Peel: GoopGlow - this kindof hurts, but in the best way possible, and is such a great way to exfoliate your skin - like you are getting a spa peel, at home.

    • Charcoal Mask: This detoxifying mask feels and smells awesome and is a great way to draw out impurities.

  • 2 - 3 times/week (usually before one of the above): Extra clean face wash using my Clarisonic & their face wash.

  • Daily:

    • First things first I take off my makeup - this is the absolute first thing I do when I get home and one of my favorite parts of the day :)

    • Then I wash my face

    • Then I may do one of the above, or if not….

    • Toner

    • Moisturizer & maybe a Facial Oil

    • Eye Cream

      …and go! Sharing my favorites from the above and a few more categories below…





  • Vitamin C: Murad

  • Tightening: Kate Sommerville

Eye Cream:

Makeup Remover:


Facial Oil:

Self Tanner:


Do any of you use these products? Or have other favorites that you want to share? Spread the wealth and comment below!

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