What can I say that hasn’t already been said?

Unprecedented… Unusual… Lonely…


All words that have been used to describe this year, over and over and over again. Most days I feel like I just want to stop talking about it, but other days, mostly at night when it’s quiet in the house I feel grateful. Grateful that unlike so many others, my family is healthy. I have a new baby. I have parents and in-laws that I get to see every couple months, and somehow we all get along :)! We are truly lucky and blessed, and although I am VERY well aware that when the clock strikes 12, the year wont just disappear - I can’t help but look forward to 2021 with hope. Hope that our country will unify under a new President, hope that our world will heal with a vaccine, herd immunity, or better treatment for the Coronavirus. Hope that my family’s new chapter in Atlanta will be the right decision for us. Hope that I will get to see my extended friends and family next year, and be able to actually hug them! Hope that we will VACATION again, and that my kids will build relationships and life long friendships with our new community in the south. Hope that all those who have lost their jobs, their loved ones, their businesses or more, can heal and grow through those losses.

Since I am headed back to work at the beginning of the year, it especially feels like a new beginning. Maternity Leave is such an important time, and I have been so lucky to really step away from work and bond with Stella, see Quinn even more, and have a little “me” time as well.

I cant believe that it has been 10 years since I graduated college, since I took a leap of faith and moved to Italy to be an Au Pair, 10 years since I lost my first (and really ONLY other than Jared) boyfriend to Cystic Fibrosis, and 10 years since I interviewed and eventually accepted a job at Insight Global. This February will be my 10 year anniversary at my company, and marks 10 years since I first moved to Chicago. Without this company I wouldn’t have met Jared, so it is safe to say that I made the right decision, and I am thankful for everything and everyone that led me to that interview, job offer, and career!

I’m going to try to not make resolutions this year about losing weight, making more money or the other cliches, and focus on staying thankful for my blessings, giving to others & focusing on my family and passions. I truly appreciate any of you who have been with me along the way, that take the time to read and visit my site, and I hope to connect with you all in the coming days. I have dreams to continue to document my life here, if not for anything other than myself, but to also share with you the things I love, places I see and recommendations I have - because that is what was behind scene + styled when I started it. I hope to be a resource to you, or just provide some entertainment along the way or a great sale.

Leave a comment about what you are thankful for, and what you’re looking forward to, and let’s start this new year together!
